profil lipid

profil lipid

Here, we will discuss the indications for testing, the role of lipid profiles, and the relevant health care issues. The results showed that there was an effect of fat intake on blood lipid profiles in coronary heart disease patients (p= 0,006 with OR= 4,80), and the effect of carbohydrate intake (p= 0,032 and The effect of thyroxine therapy on lipid profile was a significant decrease of only ApoB levels (p<0. Abdul Aziz. Heather Ross. A lipid panel measures these fats: Total cholesterol. [1] Lipids are an essential component of the cell membrane. Derived Lipid Fatty Acids Triacylglycerols Glycerophospholipids Sphingolipids Cholesterol Sumber Kalori Bahan pembentuk sekat jaringan subkutan dan organ-organ lain Isolator listrik Bahan pembentuk unsur sel Bahan baku hormon Table 20-1 PERSIAPAN PENDERITA • Puasa 12 jam We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Retrieved on the 4th of October, 2021. steroid hormones ). Gambaran profil lipid merupakan suatu indikator yang baik untuk memprediksi apakah seseorang memiliki resiko yang besar untuk terkena Penyakit Jantung Koroner (PJK) (Selwyn, 2005). This panel of tests helps predict your risk for heart disease and stroke. HDL cholesterol. Besarnya biaya tes kolesterol bervariasi tergantung pada tempat dan fasilitas kesehatan yang kamu pilih.1 Latar Belakang. Cumpără online analizele medicale necesare, utilizează codul ONLINE10 și beneficiază de 10% reducere la coșul de cumpărături. Cleveland Clinic. Stephanie Booth. Experts recommend that men 35 and older and women 45 and older be screened for lipid disorders more often. These four values are used by your doctor to make a formal estimate of your overall cardiovascular risk, using one of several available risk calculators. Lipid campuran C. LDL particle concentrations. Analiza de profil lipidic constituie o investigație de bază în evaluarea riscului de boli cardiovasculare (BCV). Before inserting the needle, the skin around the vein is cleaned to prevent infection. Lab. Watch an animation about cholesterol score. Sep 25, 2021 · Koulman et al. Generally, a lipid profile or lipid panel consists of the following, Total cholesterol. Cek kolesterol berguna untuk menentukan apakah seseorang memiliki kolesterol tinggi atau tidak. Sebanyak 30 wanita dengan kadar gula darah diatas normal, obesitas body mass index (BMI) > 25 kg/m2, dan berusia 40-65 tahun dilibatkan sebagai responden yang dipilih melalui survei di Poliklinik Lipids (Lipid Profile). Colesterol total: 200-239 mg/dl. Jan 20, 2022 · Lipid profile, lipid ratios, apolipoproteins, and risk of cardiometabolic multimorbidity in men: The Kuopio Ischaemic Heart Disease Risk Factor Study Behnam Tajik , 1 Ari Voutilainen , 1 Jussi Kauhanen , 1 Moshen Mazidi , 2 , 3 , 4 Gregory Y. Kadar lipid yang terlalu tinggi atau biasa disebut sebagai hiperlipidemia, dalam darah akan berdampak pada kesehatan Anda. Cholesterol Test. Tim ahli medis kami siap memandu Anda memilih tindakan Profil Lipid yang paling tepat. Never confuse LDL-C or HDL-C with LDL-OP or HDL-P. Triglycerides are lipid compounds composed of a glycerol esterified to 3 fatty acid chains of varying length and composition. Heather Ross. merupakan senyawa yang mengandung karbon dan hydrogen yang umumnya. Can Cholesterol Be Too Low? The purpose of this study was to explore the effect of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (n-3 PUFAs) supplementation on serum lipid profile and blood pressure in patients with metabolic syndrome. Lipids such as cholesterol and triglycerides, measured as total plasma values in lipid profiles, are important for most cells. Stephanie Booth. Lipid is the medical term for fat and cholesterol is a type of fat. In this study, the differences in serum lipid profiles between the normal and breast cancer groups and the associations between serum lipid profiles and breast cancer characteristics were investigated. Pemeriksaan ini dapat dilakukan secara berkala dan dapat dilakukan pada penderita diabetes, penyakit jantung, riwayat keluarga dengan penyakit jantung, berat badan berlebih, perokok aktif, jarang Tes ini biasanya dilakukan sebagai satu paket tes yang disebut profil lipid atau panel lipid, yang mencakup kolesterol total, HDL, LDL dan trigliserida. Traditionally, blood specimens for analysis of lipid parameters are collected after an overnight fast of 10–12 h to ensure chylomicrons are cleared from plasma. Lipids are fats that cannot dissolve in blood. reported on the measurement of 56 different lipids, including cholesteryl esters, phosphatidylcholines, sphingomyelins, and triglyceride species in dried blood spots from infants and found that although oxidized lipids and hydrolysis products were clearly detectable, they were of minimal impact to the overall lipid profile Jan 2, 2024 · A lipid panel is a blood test that measures the level of different types of fat (lipid molecules) in your blood. Hasil tes ini dapat mengidentifikasi penyakit genetik tertentu dan dapat menentukan risiko penyakit kardiovaskular, jenis pankreatitis tertentu , dan Clinically, obtaining a lipid profile assists in the screening, diagnosing, and managing diseases. Lipoproteins can be Purpose Hypothyroidism is a relatively common endocrine disorder and is well documented to be associated with lipid abnormalities. penting dalam hampir. Slideshow 1791591 by mirit. HDL cholesterol.Despite these Cholesterol Testing and the Lipid Panel. The structure is typically made of a glycerol backbone, 2 fatty acid tails (hydrophobic), and a phosphate group (hydrophilic). Alternatively, a more objective definition describes hyperlipidemia as low-density lipoprotein (LDL), total cholesterol, triglyceride levels, or Lipids are fatty, waxy, or oily compounds that are essential to many body functions and serve as the building blocks for all living cells. Age 20 to 65: Younger adults should be screened every 5 years.g. In this study, the incidence of hypertension and lipid profiles were examined from March 2020 to March 2022. Penyusun menyadari bahwa makalah ini dapat disusun dan selesaikan Blood Lipid Profile. miokard, (2) penyakit serebrovaskular, dan (3) penyakit vaskular perifer. Cek kolesterol berguna untuk menentukan apakah seseorang memiliki kolesterol tinggi atau tidak. Pemeriksaan ini dapat dilakukan secara berkala dan dapat dilakukan pada penderita diabetes, penyakit jantung, riwayat keluarga dengan penyakit jantung, berat badan berlebih, perokok aktif, jarang May 1, 2023 · Fats are normally solid at room temperature, while oils are generally liquid. The lipid profile includes total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, cholesterol-HDL ratio, LDL-HDL ratio, and triglycerides. In fact, before 2009 essentially all Lipids, such as cholesterol and triglyceride, are insoluble in plasma. Retrieved on the 4th of October, 2021. In many cases, it might be prescribed as a part Lipid profile or lipid panel is a blood test that will give you results for your HDL cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, triglycerides and total blood cholesterol. Created in your intestines and liver, lipoproteins come in a range of shapes, sizes, and densities. Your body needs small amounts of lipids to work normally. merupakan senyawa yang mengandung karbon dan hydrogen yang umumnya.g. People with a family history of high cholesterol, physically inactive, overweight يقيس فحص الدهون مستوى الكوليسترول الكلي (Total Cholesterol – T. H. Jun 20, 2021 · Pemeriksaan profil lipid adalah pemeriksaan medis berupa tes darah untuk mengukur jumlah total zat lemak (kolesterol dan trigliserida) dalam darah. The lipid panel is used in both children and adults to evaluate the risk of cardiovascular diseases like heart disease, heart attack, and stroke. Pemeriksaan profil lipid bisa dilakukan di laboratorium rumah sakit, klinik, puskesmas, maupun di apotek. Created in your intestines and liver, lipoproteins come in a range of shapes, sizes, and densities. lemak 2. HDL cholesterol is called “good” cholesterol. The expected turnaround time for lipid panel tests is within 1 day while the turnaround time for NMR LipoProfile tests is between 1 and 3 days (32, 33). reported on the measurement of 56 different lipids, including cholesteryl esters, phosphatidylcholines, sphingomyelins, and triglyceride species in dried blood spots from infants and found that although oxidized lipids and hydrolysis products were clearly detectable, they were of minimal impact to the overall lipid profile Profil lipid seseorang dapat dilihat melalui pemeriksaan darah, yaitu kadar kolesterol, trigliserida, LDL, dan HDL. Therefore, this study examined the correlations between anthropometric parameters and lipid profile in women with PCOS. High lipid levels increase your risk for heart disease and a heart attack or stroke.01). Rp353. [not verified in body] The results of this test can identify certain genetic diseases and can determine approximate risks for cardiovascular disease, certain forms of pancreatitis, and other diseases. Pemeriksaan ini memerlukan persiapan puasa Sep 13, 2022 · The lipid panel measures the amount of specific fat molecules called lipids in the blood. Cholesterol is an essential component of cell membranes, and also acts as precursor for bile acids and steroid hormones. Lipid Panel. Glikolipid 3. A healthy HDL-cholesterol level may help protect against heart attack and stroke. It primarily measures your: High-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol. High lipid levels increase your risk for heart disease and a heart attack or stroke. A fairly routine test, a lipid profile is an indicator of your risk A lipid panel is a blood test that measures the level of different types of fat (lipid molecules) in your blood.Cho)، ويقوم بتحليل أنواع الكوليسترول وشدة ارتفاع كل نوع. The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between hypertension in men aged 45–60 years and their lipid profiles, which include total cholesterol, triglycerides, low-density lipoprotein (LDL), and high-density lipoprotein CDC, NIH, and HIV Medicine Association of the IDSA guidelines recommend that a fasting or random lipid profile be obtained in PWH at the following time points: at introduction to care, at ART initiation or at the time of change in ART, and then every year, if the previous lipid test results were normal, or every 6 months, if the previous lipid Biaya mulai dari. Retrieved on the 4th of October, 2021. Many simply refer to it as a cholesterol test, as it measures total cholesterol and the two types individually; it also measures triglycerides. Lipid Blood Tests. The lipid panel is used in both children and adults to evaluate the risk of cardiovascular diseases like heart disease, heart attack, and stroke. Goal: Less than 200 mg/dL. Retrieved on the 4th of October, 2021. A lipid profile, or lipid panel, is a blood test to check your lipid levels. LDL ("bad") cholesterol. yang merupakan penyebab utama gangguan kardiovaskular umum (1) infark.miokard, (2) penyakit serebrovaskular, dan (3) penyakit vaskular perifer. It primarily measures your: High-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol. However, there are few studies in this field, and whether serum lipid profiles can be used as predictors of NAC response is still unclear. Trigliceride <150 mg/dl. Lipids are fats that cannot dissolve in blood. Profil lipid atau panel lipid adalah panel tes darah yang berfungsi sebagai alat skrining medis awal yang komprehensif untuk mendeteksi kelainan pada lipid , seperti kolesterol dan trigliserida. Everyone above 35 years of age. It is recommended that this test be done after an overnight fast. A lipid profile—also called a lipid panel—is a blood test that gives your doctor a head-up as to abnormalities in your cholesterol level. yang merupakan penyebab utama gangguan kardiovaskular umum (1) infark. Lipids are fats that are important constituents of cells and sources of energy. Standard lipid analysis includes measuring serum or plasma total cholesterol, triglycerides, and high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) after an overnight fast. Jul 13, 2022 · Traditional lipid profile tests are much cheaper, costing between 27 and 36 US dollars . Slideshow 1791591 by mirit. Our own prospective studies from the Framingham Offspring Study indicates that LDL-C, small dense LDL-C (sdLDL-C), lipoprotein(a) or Lp(a), and HDL particle Traditional lipid profile tests are much cheaper, costing between 27 and 36 US dollars . steroid hormones ). Profil Lipid di Bali. Tes kolesterol atau disebut juga pemeriksaan profil lipid adalah pemeriksaan medis berupa tes darah untuk mengukur jumlah total zat lemak (kolesterol dan trigliserida) dalam darah. Many current guidelines propose that nonfasting LDL-C holds similar significance to that of fasting LDL-C. Segala Puji dan Syukur penyusun panjatkan kehadirat Tuhan yang telah melimpahkan rahmat dan hidayah-Nya sehingga penyusun dapat menyelesaikan tugas dari mata kuliah Interprestasi Data Laboratorium dengan makalah yang berjudul "Profil Lipid" ini. Pemeriksaan Profil Lipid Kadar kolesterol yang tinggi biasanya tidak menyebabkan gejala apa pun pada tubuh Anda, tetapi kadar yang tinggi dapat meningkatkan risiko kondisi kesehatan yang serius. Colesterol total: 200-239 mg/dl. A lipid profile is a snapshot of how much healthy/unhealthy fats do you have circulating in your blood. As a panel test, it measures multiple substances, including several types of cholesterol containing molecules. Tes yang dilakukan mencakup empat parameter dasar, yaitu kolesterol total, kolesterol HDL, kolesterol LDL, dan trigliserida. Widiana et al. High-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol Ini adalah proses patogenik. fosfolipid 2. Lipids, Lipoproteins, and Apolipoproteins Measured in Lipid Profiles. However, when examining the subgroup of patients (n=23) with post-treatment TSH levels 0. They are made soluble by attachment to circulating lipoproteins that transport lipids to various tissues for energy utilization, lipid deposition, steroid hormone production, and bile acid formation. Lipid memiliki peran. The results of a lipid profile can help your doctor determine your risk of heart disease MAKALAH PROFIL LIPID. [1] Lipids are an essential component of the cell membrane. These lipids (fats) travel inside tiny particles called lipoproteins. Other lipid-soluble substances, present in much smaller amounts (e. The results of a lipid profile can help your doctor determine your risk of heart disease MAKALAH PROFIL LIPID. Analiza de profil lipidic constituie o investigație de bază în evaluarea riscului de boli cardiovasculare (BCV). Sebagai acuan, kisaran biaya terendah yaitu sekitar Rp20. Low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) is then calculated. Trigliceride: 150-199 mg/dl. Profil Lipid di Badung. Lab. Introduction. We searched PubMed, Web of Science, Embase, and the Cochrane Ini adalah proses patogenik. HDL colesterol: 40-60 mg/dl. A lipid panel is often ordered as part of routine blood work conducted during an annual Jul 14, 2023 · A standard cholesterol test (also known as a lipid profile or lipid panel) tells you the amount of cholesterol and triglyceride carried in your blood. A cholesterol test can help determine your risk of the buildup of fatty deposits (plaques) in your arteries that can lead to narrowed or blocked arteries throughout your body A lipid panel is a blood test that measures the amount of certain fat molecules called lipids in your blood. Lipid profile, lipid ratios, apolipoproteins, and risk of cardiometabolic multimorbidity in men: The Kuopio Ischaemic Heart Disease Risk Factor Study Behnam Tajik , 1 Ari Voutilainen , 1 Jussi Kauhanen , 1 Moshen Mazidi , 2 , 3 , 4 Gregory Y. Lipoproteins can be. Lipid Panel. Lipid profiles report lipid concentrations: how much cholesterol is within all of the LDL, HDL or VLDL particles that exist in a deciliter of plasma.The lipid profile includes total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, cholesterol-HDL ratio, LDL-HDL ratio, and triglycerides. Furthermore, the timeline of results for each test varies with the NMR taking more time. hidrofobik, tidak larut dalam air tetapi dalam pelarut organik. Trigliceride: 150-199 mg/dl. Retrieved on the 4th of October, 2021. Abdul Aziz. Can Cholesterol Be Too Low? LDL particle concentrations. Guidelines saat ini menyatakan bahwa pasien yang akan dilakukan pemeriksaan profil lipid perlu menjalani puasa selama 12 – 14 jam sebelumnya. Pemeriksaan Profil Lipid Kadar kolesterol yang tinggi biasanya tidak menyebabkan gejala apa pun pada tubuh Anda, tetapi kadar yang tinggi dapat meningkatkan risiko kondisi kesehatan yang serius. Lipid profile that consists of total cholesterol, triglyceride, LDL-cholesterol (LDL-C) and HDL-cholesterol (HDL-C) are measured routinely. Cleveland Clinic. They are necessary for life, but abnormal levels may cause - cardiovascular disease. Generally, a lipid profile or lipid panel consists of the following, Total cholesterol. Many simply refer to it as a cholesterol test, as it measures total cholesterol and the two types individually; it also measures triglycerides. Profil Lipid di Balikpapan. Although NICE does not recommend the use of lipid profile results in isolation to guide management, the NHS advises patients on the following cholesterol treatment target levels: Total cholesterol: should be 5mmol/L or less. As such, phospholipids are amphipathic. [8] [9] A fasting lipid panel is a strong recommendation for patients with type 2 diabetes, obesity, medications that may affect lipid levels, such as Cholesterol Testing and the Lipid Panel. 8. A lipid profile test is a blood test where a lab worker wraps an elastic band around the patient's upper arm and instructs them to make a fist to help veins become more visible. A blood lipid profile measures the levels of each type of fat in your blood: total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, triglycerides, and others. Men ages 45 to 65 and women ages 55 to 65 Koulman et al.000. Having too many lipids (cholesterol and triglycerides) in your blood can lead to buildup in your blood vessels and A lipid profile or lipid panel is a panel of blood tests used to find abnormalities in blood lipid ( such as cholesterol and triglycerides) concentrations. LDL cholesterol. Profil lipid serum biasanya diukur untuk menentukan risiko kardiovaskular. Triglycerides. Here, we will discuss the indications for testing, the role of lipid profiles, and the relevant health care issues. What happens if my lipids are too high? An excess amount of blood lipids can cause fat Also, the accuracy of the fasting lipid profile depends on patients' compliance. A complete cholesterol test, also called a lipid panel or lipid profile, measures the levels of lipids, or fats, in your blood. Lipid. Label Test Online.2-2 mIU/L a significant decrease in TC (p<0. Profil Lipid di Ambon. Two types of lipids, cholesterol and triglycerides, are transported in the blood by particles called A lipid profile—also called a lipid panel—is a blood test that gives your doctor a head-up as to abnormalities in your cholesterol level. Before we get to understanding the lipid profile, a few lipoprotein basics. Pemeriksaan ini memerlukan persiapan puasa The lipid panel measures the amount of specific fat molecules called lipids in the blood. HDL-C: should be >1 mmol/L in men and >1. High cholesterol is linked to heart diseases, obesity, diabetes, etc. Many current guidelines propose that nonfasting LDL-C holds similar significance to that of fasting LDL-C. Despite these What are blood lipids? Lipids are fat-like substances found in your blood and body tissues. LDL colesterol: 100-129 mg/dl. Dyslipidemia may also be related to increased tumor Fats are normally solid at room temperature, while oils are generally liquid. Hyperlipidemia is extremely common, especially in the Western hemisphere, but also throughout the world. Pemeriksaan profil lipid adalah pemeriksaan medis berupa tes darah untuk mengukur jumlah total zat lemak (kolesterol dan trigliserida) dalam darah.05) and LDL-C (p<0. As such, phospholipids are amphipathic. Background. How are my blood lipids measured? A blood test called a complete lipid profile is done. These four values are used by your doctor to make a formal estimate of your overall cardiovascular risk, using one of several available risk calculators. Uji kolesterol atau disebut juga panel lipid atau profil lipid, mengukur kadar lemak (lipid) dalam darah. 1.Biaya Tes Kolesterol. LDL cholesterol. Nov 13, 2020 · The results showed that there was an effect of fat intake on blood lipid profiles in coronary heart disease patients (p= 0,006 with OR= 4,80), and the effect of carbohydrate intake (p= 0,032 and Jul 24, 2023 · Also, the accuracy of the fasting lipid profile depends on patients' compliance. Simple Lipid 1. Jul 10, 2023 · The lab test that your doctor orders to measure your cholesterol levels is called a lipid panel or lipid profile. Assessment of CVD risk for primary prevention is recommended by the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence for all patients over the age of 40 years and includes lipid measurement. Triglycerides. Goal: Less than 200 mg/dL. Trigliceride <150 mg/dl. A lipid profile includes the following: Total cholesterol is the main number used for cholesterol values. التالي أنواع الدهون الموجودة في الدم: – الكوليسترول الضار (LDL): يساهم في تجمّع Semantic Scholar extracted view of "Profil Lipid pada Penderita Diabetes Mellitus tak Tergantung Insulin (Non-Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus) yang Disertai Mikroalbuminuria" by I. A lipid profile includes the following: Total cholesterol is the main number used for cholesterol values. Segala Puji dan Syukur penyusun panjatkan kehadirat Tuhan yang telah melimpahkan rahmat dan hidayah-Nya sehingga penyusun dapat menyelesaikan tugas dari mata kuliah Interprestasi Data Laboratorium dengan makalah yang berjudul "Profil Lipid" ini. In most cases, the panel includes four different cholesterol measurements and a measurement of your triglycerides. The lipoprotein profile includes: LDL, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, also called Sometimes they can lead to clogged, inflamed arteries, a condition call atherosclerosis. Apr 1, 2022 · A lipid profile is a test to measure levels of fats in your blood called triglycerides and cholesterol. Proline memproduksi reagen profil lipid berbentuk cair stabil dan siap pakai pada fasilitas produksi yang mendapatkan sertifikasi CPAKB (Cara Pembuatan Alat Kesehatan yang Baik) dari Kemenkes RI dan ISO 13485:2016. 8. Lipid profiles report lipid concentrations: how much cholesterol is within all of the LDL, HDL or VLDL particles that exist in a deciliter of plasma. Retrieved on the 4th of October, 2021. Lipids help regulate hormones, transmit nerve impulses, cushion organs, and store energy in the form of body fat . Penyusun menyadari bahwa makalah ini dapat disusun dan selesaikan Blood Lipid Profile. Jul 24, 2023 · Clinically, obtaining a lipid profile assists in the screening, diagnosing, and managing diseases. Recent studies suggest risk of prostate cancer may increase with obesity-related dyslipidemia, including a low HDL, high LDL and total cholesterol, and high triglycerides. H. Selain itu, lipid dan lipoprotein, partikel yang mengangkut lipid. Label Test Online. Gambaran profil lipid merupakan suatu indikator yang baik untuk memprediksi apakah seseorang memiliki resiko yang besar untuk terkena Penyakit Jantung Koroner (PJK) (Selwyn, 2005). A lipid profile is a test to measure levels of fats in your blood called triglycerides and cholesterol. Lipid Blood Tests. Pemeriksaan kadar kolesterol dalam darah mutlak dilakukan terutama bagi penggemar makanan siap saji (junk food), memiliki berat badan berlebih, jarang berolah raga dan seorang perokok. Screening may be performed as early as age 2 if there is a family history of high blood cholesterol, heart attack, or stroke. Retrieved on the 4th of October, 2021. The major lipids present in the plasma are: fatty acids, Triglycerides, cholesterol and phospholipids. A lipid panel is often ordered as part of routine blood work conducted during an annual Here is a general guide: Age 19 or younger: Screening begins at ages 9 to 11 and should be repeated every 5 years. Dapatkan estimasi biaya untuk Profil Lipid di pada pilihan rumah sakit dan dokter terbaik. hidrofobik, tidak larut dalam air tetapi dalam pelarut organik. Before we get to understanding the lipid profile, a few lipoprotein basics. High-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol Feb 4, 2024 · A lipid profile, or lipid panel, is a blood test to check your lipid levels. Other lipid-soluble substances, present in much smaller amounts (e. We searched PubMed, Web of Science, Embase, and the Cochrane Jul 15, 2014 · Lipids (Lipid Profile). Lip , 5 , 6 Tomi‐Pekka Tuomainen , 1 and Masoud Isanejad 5 , 6 The standard lipid panel measures four different blood lipids, which are included in this analyzer: Total cholesterol. LDL colesterol: 100-129 mg/dl. Blood is then drawn with a syringe, and the sample is sent to the lab for analysis. The three main types of lipids are phospholipids, sterols (including the different types of The Lipid profile test is a test that detects the amount of triglyceride and cholesterol levels in the blood. HDL cholesterol. Target cholesterol levels. Namun, kisaran acuan tersebut bisa berubah sewaktu Kadar lipid yang terlalu tinggi atau biasa disebut sebagai hiperlipidemia, dalam darah akan berdampak pada kesehatan Anda.A complete cholesterol test — also called a lipid panel or lipid profile — is a blood test that can measure the amount of cholesterol and triglycerides in your blood. As a panel test, it measures multiple substances, including several types of cholesterol containing molecules. While many studies have investigated general physical activity (PA) in relation to blood lipid levels, the current study aimed to examine the intensity of activity, including sedentary behavior time, and time spent engaging in moderate and intense PA, with concentrations of HDL Lipid lowering therapy (usually a statin) is used in all patients with a history of cardiovascular disease and lipid tests are monitored annually.